CBD is one of the most popular non-psychotropic cannabinoids and has been growing in popularity for many years now.
Since the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD is enjoying a boom as a result of its legalization at the federal level in the U.S.
Hemp-derived CBD products are legal in all 50 states, as long as they contain no more than 0.3% THC. (Food and Drug Administration, 2020). U.S. CBD market has a near-vertical trajectory, with a market value of just over $4 billion in 2019 and may top $25 billion by 2025. (Brightfield Group, 2019).
According to SingleCare, 33% of American adults have used CBD once or more.
Today CBD products are available in a range of forms including – but not limited to – gummies, topicals, tinctures, vape cartridges, liquids, concentrates, and CBD flowers.
These 20+ stats, updated for Aug 2022 will show you just how mature, diverse and extensive the CBD market is in the US (they will also make you fun at particular types of parties😊)
Table of Contents
- General Opinion And Views About CBD
- Number Of People Using CBD
- Demographics of CBD Users
- Reasons For Using CBD
- Most Popular Forms Of CBD
- Most Popular Form Of CBD For Medical Conditions
- Most Popular Form Of CBD For Pain Management
- Most Popular Form Of CBD For Unwinding
- Most Popular Form Of CBD For General Wellness
- Side Effects Of CBD
- Side Effects Of Using CBD For Medical Conditions
- Side Effects Of Using CBD For Non-medical Conditions
- Dosages For CBD
- Conclusion
General Opinion And Views About CBD
The use of CBD in the U.S. has been increasing over recent years, and people's overall views on CBD are improving as more and more people are getting aware of its medical and recreational usage.
Around half of the U.S. population (48%) hold explicitly positive views while 17% have a negative opinion about the utility of CBD. 35% of the population has ambivalent or neutral views.
The views of consumers and non-consumers of CBD can be further classified as follows:

It’s important to note that only around 20% of non-consumers hold a negative view of CBD which is in line with the overall consensus.
According to a survey from SingleCare, people have only a limited understanding and many myths persist about CBD.
- 26% of people still believe that CBD and Marijuana are the same things.
- Although CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid contained within the marijuana plan that doesn't make one high, 57% think that it would show on a drug test.
Number Of People Using CBD
Based on the latest data, around 18% of the U.S. population has at least tried CBD in any form once in life. This can also be broken down by frequency of use
Note: The data was gathered in 2020, but there is no solid reason to suspect a drastic change in this over time.
Demographics of CBD Users
The use of CBD varies only slightly by gender, with 18% men vs 19% women using CBD.
Source: CBD Statistics
Despite there being more female CBD users than males overall, the detailed study showed that women are more likely to be over-represented as infrequent users.
The use of CBD is more prominent among the young U.S. population, typically in their 20s.
Source: CBD Statistics
Despite there being more young CBD users, a detailed study showed that 55 or older people who consume CBD are more likely to do so regularly, at least once daily.
The racial breakdown of CBD users based on the New Frontier data shows that CBD is most popular among White Americans.

Source: Marijuana Statistics and Facts
Education Level
People who have completed college make up the majority of CBD users, followed by bachelor's degree holders.

Source: Marijuana Statistics and Facts
Income Level
CBD users in the U.S. tend to cluster around lower income levels. People making between $25k and $50k per annum account for a quarter of all users. The detail is presented in the table below:

Source: Marijuana Statistics and Facts
Relationship Status
The CBD users in the US are married at 58%, followed by singles at 29% with divorcees and widowed contributing to only 13%.
Source: Marijuana Statistics and Facts
Reasons For Using CBD
There are a variety of different reasons for which people use CBD ranging from alleviating the symptoms of specific medical conditions including pain management to more general reasons like easing anxiety or for general wellness The potential use of CBD can be divided into the following categories:
- CBD For Medical Conditions
- CBD For Pain Management
- CBD For Unwinding
Data suggests that pain management is the most popular reason to use CBD among Americans at 41% followed by unwinding at 33% as a common explanation for using CBD, when people were asked to choose only one primary reason for using CBD.
Source: CBD Statistics
When people were asked to chose multiple reasons for picking CBD, most chose unwinding at 60%, followed closely by pain management at 58%.

Source: CBD Statistics
Why Use CBD For Medical Conditions
The breakdown of those choosing CBD for alleviating medical conditions is as follows, with pain treatment at 70% followed by gastrointestinal conditions at 14%.

Why Use CBD For Unwinding
The breakdown of those choosing CBD for unwinding is as follows, with anxiety management topping the charts at 56%.
Source: CBD Statistics
Why Use CBD For General Wellness
Those who choose CBD for general wellness use it for overall wellness at 31% and improving sleep at 42%.
Source: CBD Statistics
Most Popular Forms Of CBD
CBD is available in a variety of forms. CBD oils and tinctures are the most traditional and dominant form of consuming CBD. The latest statistics about the use of CBD in 2022 are presented as follows:
- CBD Oils (38%)
- CBD Topicals (19%)
- CBD Edibles (18%)
- CBD Vape Pen (15%)
- CBD Capsules (7%)
Source: CBD Statistics
The form of CBD used also varies a little based on the reasons why a person is consuming it.
Most Popular Form Of CBD For Medical Conditions
Here's how the most popular forms of CBD stack up when used for medical conditions:
- CBD Oils (45%)
- CBD Topicals (19%)
- CBD Edibles (11%)
- CBD Vape Pen (9%)
- CBD Capsules (14%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Most Popular Form Of CBD For Pain Management
In the case of pain management, CBD oils are again the most favored, followed by topicals and edibles.
- CBD Oils (40%)
- CBD Topicals (29%)
- CBD Edibles (11%)
- CBD Vape Pen (11%)
- CBD Capsules (6%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Most Popular Form Of CBD For Unwinding
For unwinding, while CBD oils retain their pole position, the #2 choice is actually edibles at 24%.
- CBD Oils (38%)
- CBD Topicals (9%)
- CBD Edibles (24%)
- CBD Vape Pen (21%)
- CBD Capsules (5%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Most Popular Form Of CBD For General Wellness
Edibles closely follow CBD oils as the most popular form of CBD for those who are looking to improve their general wellness using CBD products.
- CBD Oils (32%)
- CBD Topicals (13%)
- CBD Edibles (25%)
- CBD Vape Pen (17%)
- CBD Capsules (9%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Side Effects Of CBD
According to a study, the most likely side effects stemming from CBD use are as follows:
- Dry Mouth (11.1%)
- Euphoria (6.4%)
- Hunger (6.4%)
- Red Eyes (2.7%)
- Dizziness (1.8%)
- Others (2.4%)
- Overall side effects (30.8%)
Overall side effects refer to people experiencing any side effects other than the intended effect.
Source: CBD Statistics
Side Effects Of Using CBD For Medical Conditions
Dry mouth seems to be the most common side effect of CBD for medical conditions:
- Dry Mouth (11.7%)
- Euphoria (4%)
- Hunger (5.4%)
- Red Eyes (2.3%)
- Dizziness (2%)
- Others (3.1%)
- Overall side effects (28.5%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Side Effects Of Using CBD For Non-medical Conditions
If you are using CBD for non-medical conditions, you can expect to experience euphoria, which corresponds to feeling a lightness of being. You will also need to stay hydrated.
- Dry Mouth (10.1%)
- Euphoria (10.4%)
- Hunger (7.9%)
- Red Eyes (3.5%)
- Dizziness (1.5%)
- Others (1.2%)
- Overall side effects (34.6%)
Source: CBD Statistics
Dosages For CBD
Depending on the reason for using CBD, personal tolerance, and preferences, the dosages for CBD can vary quite wildly. However, the following statistics on CBD doses give an overall picture of how much people use it.
- Less than 10mg per day- 17%
- 10mg-29mg per day- 26%
- 30mg- 49mg per day- 12%
- 50mg - 99mg per day- 10%
- 100mg+ per day- 12%
This breakdown doesn't add up to 100%, because 23% were unable to estimate their daily usage.
Source: CBD Statistics
The statistics (updated August 2022) show that CBD is a popular product.
Both young men and women use CBD for relaxation and even specific medical purposes.
There are still some misconceptions that persist in society about CBD, mostly around "getting high" but people are generally positive about CBD.
(This post is written by Zara A. Khan, a freelance writer specializing in the CBD niche)